Retina Tips – Vídeo mais visto do mês de Agosto 2019


In this video we discuss tips to peel the internal limiting membrane (ILM).

First of all, pay attention in your forceps tip and respect the correct position to ensure that both tines touch the ILM simultaneously.

Don´t try to grab the ILM and make a circumferential rexis at the same time.

The opened jaws of the ILM forceps should be placed on the surface of the retina pushing enough to indent the surface.

To start peeling, pinch the ILM with forceps, make an tiny movement upward and then relaese it.

This way you are able to separate the ILM from the underlying retina and to create an edge.

So you can use the retinal forceps to regrab the ILM in one of this edges, and then you can pull it circumferentialy the peeling

Filipe Lucatto MD
Filipe Lucatto MD
Juliana Prazeres MD
Retina Tips

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