Submacular hemorrhage is an important cause of irreversible visual loss and nowadays massive hemorrhages is generally managed with pars plana vitrectomy and injection of tPA into the subretinal space.
In this video we show an a ...
Vídeo apresentado na sessão do concurso de vídeos na EURETINA 2019 (Paris).
In this video we describes a technique of scleral fixation using Slip-Knot sutures.
This patient had a poor outcome after cataract surgery and a single-piece PMMA IOL was dislocated to the vit ...
In this video we discuss tips to peel the internal limiting membrane (ILM).
First of all, pay attention in your forceps tip and respect the correct position to ensure that both tines touch the ILM simultaneously.
Don´t try to grab the ILM and make a circumferential rexis at the sam ...
O vídeo mais acessado do Retina Tips em Julho de 2019 foi sobre vitrectomia em retinopatia diabética proliferativa.
Vitrectomy for the treatment of diabetic retinopathy is one of the most challenging vitreoretinal surgeries.
We´ve listed some tips about management of this cases:
1 ...
Vídeo do retinólogo Dr Filipe Lucatto de Salvador, BA, publicado em seu canal do Youtube, Retina Tips, voltado para especialistas em Retina e Vitreo. Neste primeiro vídeo do canal ele discute dicas relacionadas a uma técnica de fixação escleral de LIO que usa pockets esclerais.